Perfect quality assurance process
We decided to introduce E2E tests right from the start of the QA-ing process. Cypress is our usual tool of choice, however, it wasn’t compatible with the given ADFS authentication provider, so we needed to think of a workaround. As a result, our devs came up with combining Puppeteer and Chromium to obtain new cookies and check their validity regularly. The other issue to resolve was matching the permissions on the back end and front end. Namely, from our side, we had to make sure that the frontend side reacts properly and displays only those options according to what comes from the back end. With the help of the same workaround, our dev team managed to mock up the permission layout and, thus, properly test the completed front end.
Frontend development: Vue.js v2, Vuex, Vue Router, Buefy, scss, jest, vue testing library, storybook
QA: Puppeteer and Chromium
Design: Figma