
Can you feel IT?

Hi there - Why don’t you explore what your future
is going to be, check out our company vibe!

Our culture

Our Career Opportunities

We currently don't have any career opportunities.
But you can apply with our general form below 😉
If you didn't find the right job for you, you can still apply with our general form
Remote of Poznan HQ


At Apptension, we're fierce evangelists of teamwork. Our culture is based on collaboration and respecting one another.

to innovation

Innovation is a part of our motto and the way we work. We believe that one can achieve great things by constant learning, testing and implementing new tools and technologies.

Customer understanding

We work not only for our clients - we work with them to develop outstanding products. That's why we need to understand our customers in the first place.

Knowledge sharing

We want our employees to not only learn but also to be able to share that knowledge with others.

Continuous improvement

We want to move forward and we believe that one can do so only by constant learning, developing one's skills and testing new things.

our awards


09.2022 One of Poland’s most reviewed and recommended product design companies by Manifest


04.2022 Top Software Developers 2022 by Techreviewer

The Webby Awards

04.2022 - The Webby Awards have nominated our project for the “Best shopping websites” category


02.2022 TechBehemoths decided to grant us an Award for the best NodeJS, Python, and PHP services in Poland!

Forbes Diamonds

02.2022 Forbes Diamonds - the fastest to increase their value during the last 5 years.

Cannes Lions

2017, Bronze Award in the Mobile category Campaign: VisitBritain “The Only Place You Need to Go” by Cannes Lions


2016, 1st prize - Hack.summit() Koding Hackathon, 1st place in the world’s largest hackathon among 98,000 other participants

EB Kreator

2016, EB Kreator, an award for the Best Internal Employer Branding Campaign. An award for a Wishlist - our crowdfunding platform to vote by employees for their projects & wishes


2016, SyFy: The Magicians - Awwwards Site of the Day

OUr Tech stack

We build ultra-performant and reliable software with the latest technologies under our belt. Let us find a best-matching framework that’ll exceed your product expectations.
react native
after effects

Our Recruitment Process

Have you sent us your application?
We close the recruitment process in 14 days on average.
After each stage, the candidate receives feedback - we provide the decision after each stage in 1-3 business days.
Phone Interview
Our Recruiter - Ania - will contact you to briefly tell you about our company and position. You can also expect a few questions related to your experience and expectations.
Meeting with the Manager/TL
You will have the opportunity to meet your future Manager or Team Leader. We will want to get to know your competencies better, understand your role so far and talk about your aspirations in terms of further development.
Technical meeting/task
You are already at the final stage in our recruitment process, congratulations! Now we would like to confirm your skills in a practically. We will invite you to a workshop where you will have the opportunity to work on a task typical for the position you applied for. In the case of some positions, instead of a workshop, the last stage of recruitment will be a task. You will receive enough time for its execution to calmly prepare it and at the same time its execution will not be time-consuming for you.
Feedback & Decision
After the last stage of recruitment, we need about 2 days to provide you with the final decision, you will be informed about the waiting time for the decision during the last stage of the recruitment. You will always receive feedback from us, no matter what decision we make.
And finally - welcome on board!
Become a part of IT. Become a part of Apptension.

our initiatives

Wishlist is our crowdfunding platform, thanks to which we can make dreams come true and implement internal initiatives. Every month, each employee has a vote worth PLN 50, which he can spend on a selected goal.
Knowledge shots
Once a month we train and develop our soft skills with an external guest to be able to collaborate and work as a Team, even better. 
Sparky is a gamification platform that adds more fun to your daily work. Gather points by completing various activities, compete with others to win a seasonal prize, and spend earned points on amazing rewards. 
Coffee Breaks
Coffee breaks are internal peer-to-peer presentations on professional and lifestyle topics that take place once a month.
Meetings dedicated to technology, technical knowledge and technological news. Thanks to these meetings, our developers are up-to-date with the news from the market knowledge.
During these meetings our employees can develop their testing skills.
Product Talks
Creating products is our speciality, during Design Talks we get to know this process from the perspective of product design specialists.
Project Recap
Meetings of project teams (Devs, PMs, QA, Design), during which we get familiar with our colleagues' projects. We learn about the challenges they encountered and the lessons they took out.
We know quite a lot about hackathons (we managed to win one of the biggest Hack.summit(), beating 96k of other participants). Once a year, our specialists pick up the gloves and tackle the challenge.
POZTechTalks is a video podcast that we created with 2 other Poznań Technology Companies - Bitnoise and STX Next. Our experts share quite a lot of design experience and technical knowledge. A feast for technical people. - More photos here.
Spring awakening
Spring awakening is our week-long series of various activities that help brush off the winter sleep and walk awake into the Spring season.
Summer sports challenge
At Apptension we love sport and competition! Throughout the month, our employees burn thousands of calories and travel thousands of kilometers to reach the "virtual" destination.
August celebrates our company's birthday where through a series of activities and a 3-day team integration we cherish all the beautiful moments. 
Xmas week
How to feel the magic of Christmas? Just jump on our polar express and go on a journey with the unique Christmas characters that will surely need your help reaching the destination. 
Ranfee is our biweekly random online coffee shop gathering, where we can meet each other and talk just about anything.

our career paths

Have a look at our Career Paths in Apptension
Coming soon
Coming soon
QA Specialist
Coming soon
Project Manager
Coming soon
Product Designer
Coming soon
Brand Designer
Coming soon


What are the stages of the recruitment process at Apptension?
Will I be recruited for a specific project?
What does the onboarding process look like?
How can I develop my skills working at Apptension?
Do I work 100% remotely at Apptension or will I show up at the office?
How big are the project teams you work with?
Can I work part-time?
Are there any internships at Apptension?

Anna Cicha

P&C Team